As our lives unfold and influence one another, there are so many stories from which we gain perspective.
Our lives are infinitely kinetic.
My Story
My story is rooted in bold and courageous choices. Not at all a walk in the park, my journey was like cartwheels through fire, but somehow my fervor for graceful achievement was always running in the background of my mind. With patience, compassion, and agility, I landed on my feet and learned that what brought me from one milestone would not necessarily bring me to the next. Figuring out what key would open life’s next door is what really kept me going through the fire!
In one form or another, I’ve been a coach for over 35 years. From high-performance sport to the performing arts and business worlds, I’ve used my knowledge and intuition to help people transform and grow into the incredible human beings they always were (but didn’t know it!). Our essence always shines through.
For 12 years I was a competitive rhythmic gymnast, competing on an international scale with the Canadian National Team. During my late teen years, my own inner critic voice was multiplied by the collective pressures of my coaches. This had me constantly questioning my ability. Although I absolutely loved my time as an athlete, I knew what it was to live in fear and to have self-judgement running through my mind all of the time. In order to succeed in sport, it’s critical to have someone who powerfully guides you towards excellence and success. What was missing in my experience was any semblance of empathy and regard for the human inside the athlete.
Following my athletic career, I became a Canadian National Team coach and full-time head coach at a well-known Toronto club for many years. My athletes competed at World Championships and Pan Am games, to name a few. Although I endured the toughest of times as an athlete, it was these very experiences that played a huge role in my evolution both as a person and as a coach. I knew that I would strive to look at all of my own athletes as human beings so that their learning would be rooted in love.
I moved on to become the Executive Director of the Randolph College for the Performing Arts for 18 years, but as a high achiever, this pattern of perfectionism reared its ugly head again. Perhaps I was wearing the veil of happiness, fulfillment, joy. On the outside, I appeared as though I had it all, and people would comment on how perfectly put together I looked. Inside, I was struggling, and I began to reassess what was important to me.
I knew that I wanted…
I knew that I wanted more purpose, fulfillment, meaning and passion. I craved to be able to intensely love what I was doing. I wanted my feelings of ‘just surviving’ to be replaced by feelings of excitement, thriving energy and life.
I was officially in a place of wanting so much more but had no idea where to find what I needed. This was clear to me. I needed to rediscover joy.
I always tried to be the people-pleaser. I knew that in order to improve my life, I had to learn how to say “no”, and finally set healthy boundaries for myself.
There was no question that I needed someone to support me along this journey and to ask me the difficult questions that would get me to that next level. The magic happens when you reach for what you want. I sought out the support I needed to thrive, and beauty began to unfold.
I knew that what I was doing just wasn’t cutting it because it wasn’t my dream. I felt like if I was going to do the same thing every day, I better love it!
I really struggled, and like many, I sometimes still do. But I wanted to learn how to quiet the negative self-talk in my mind so that I could really love myself and appreciate my gifts.
When I discovered Leadership Coaching, my transformation began.
I realized the absolute truth that in order to be the best leader, my own inner work was not only required, but it was essential. Now looking back, I have gratitude for all of my experiences, including those in sport.
This work brings me so much joy. My heart is wide open, full of love and admiration for today’s leaders and excited to be supporting all kinds of visionaries through leadership coaching and organizational development work.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
-Marianne Williamson